Tributes to Bryan
Coaching Bryan – reflecting back on my time coaching Bryan. A few words come to mind right away.
Joy – Bryan played the game with a youthful joy that made everyone around him at ease and uplifted their performance.
Competitor – Bryan’s competitive spirit was insatiable. He hated to lose and would fight to the end for victory. No matter the odds Bryan always gave you the sense that “ he had it “ just relax and let him do his thing.
Trust – Bryan was one of the few players I ever coached who felt like a security blanket to me. I always knew Bryan would make something good happen even when I called a bad play. Bryan was the first player I ever let call plays on his own. I was reluctant because I thought he would call all pass plays given the chance. Instead, he mixed up the calls and lead the team on a methodical scoring drive. When asked why he didn’t call more pass plays Bryan looked at me with a smirk and said “ I want to win Coach “. That was Bryan. A true competitor who chose his teams’ success over personal accolades every time.
— Coach STEF, Good Counsel
Bryan wasn’t just a friend he was a son, brother, teammate, and leader as his Quarterback play on the field resembled the person he was off the field. Great teammate, better brother for me and my career. Even though he would say he’s living through me, this whole time himself and others motivated me to keep going hard with this game of football that we both loved and cherished so very much. The memories live on with me rent-free inside my head and spirit. His life/legacy gave me more purpose to continue to be the best human, brother, son I can — for not only my family but the Strittmatters. That’s the impact he has had for me and many more individuals he graced with his presence. The objective is simple “Live life to the fullest” while being a great human by the way you treat others and make them feel. The next generation of athletes have to possess those attributes to receive this scholarship.
— Keandre Jones, Cincinnati Bengals #47
Bryan loved morning meetings on Monday’s, Tuesday’s, and Friday’s during the fall, he would be the first one on the meeting and would be talking football with his peers! Bryan loved football and often talked about he and his brothers’ football careers.
During our morning meetings we would always do a Question of the Day. The question was if you could sing one song start to finish and know every word what song would you choose. Bryan’s was The General by Dispatch!
He would always talk about his family, friends and girlfriend. Bryan enjoyed being with his family and definitely took advantage of working remote to be closer to them when he could. One time while working back at his parents’ house, he was super excited to go to his cousins all white themed engagement party. He went to Vegas for his birthday. He talked about his grandmas who I believe he called “Nana & Nin” who came to visit him in Chicago.
When we did a team happy hour at Recess, he was the life of the party. Always smiling and chatting it up with everyone there.
He talked about his family SO much. He loved going home to DC to be with them and all his cousins.
Bryan also went to a couple of Wizards games with his friend who got floor tickets. He talked about his friends a lot!
He was always going out of his way to make sure to thank me after every training & make it known that he appreciated the work I was doing. Which always made me smile!
— Thomas Elnick, Co-Founder, Co-CEO, Bryan’s employer at Tegus.